August 21, 2018 – Waggoners Gap Rd, North Mountain – Bird Watching Platform Fire

On August 21, 2018, around 4:00 pm, North Middleton Fire Company 39, along with Carlisle Fire & Rescue, Union, Upper Frankford, West Pennsboro, New Kingstown, Mt Holly, Landisburg, Shermans Dale and Cumberland Goodwill EMS were dispatched to a bird watching platform fire on the top of Waggoners Gap Road. Upon arrival, they found a fully involved fire. Fire attack was difficult since the platform was over the side of the top of the mountain. Crews were able to contain the fire to the platform. For more information and photos, see the postings on Cumberlink Google Image Search     

3 March 2018 – Funeral Detail with Honor Arch

Companies 39 and 45 provided Apparatus and Volunteer Membership support for an American Flag Arch and Fire Police escort service to honor a long standing member of our Fire Company and Community. We are humbled to have been a part of the final honors for such an outstanding man who served his Country, Community and Family. To read his Obituary:

24 Feb 2018 – 1st Alarm House Fire, Spring Road, Middlesex Township

On Saturday, 24 Feb at 1:32 p.m., Chief 7, Company 39 with Engines 139, 239, and Truck 39, responded to a house fire on Spring Road in Middlesex Township. Also dispatched on the call were apparatus and manpower from surrounding Fire Companies that included New Kingstown, Shermans Dale, Union, and Carlisle Fire & Rescue. The fire was quickly brought under control with one hand line from Engine 239, support from Truck 39 and water supply and manpower from all responding units.       

27 January 2018 – Detached Garage Fire – 800 Block of West Louther St. – North Middleton TWP

Apparatus and Firefighters from Fire Companies 39, 41, and 45 responded to garage fire on the 800 block of West Louther Street in North Middleton Township at 3:40 a.m. on Saturday morning, 27 January 2018. The responding units found a detached garage that was fully involved. The fire was knocked down quickly with several hand lines, protecting the main home, with the exception of some melted siding from the extreme heat. North Middleton Township also responded with a backhoe to assist with overhaul operations. Units remained on the scene until 7:30 a.m. before they were returned to service. Source of Picture: All went home […]

20 Nov 2017 – Garage-House Fire – 800 block of Pheasant Dr., North Middleton TWP

On 20 November, 2017 around 21:00, units from Co. 39 and 45 were alerted for a garage fire in the 800 block of Pheasant Dr. Upon response of chief 39 (McKillip Jr) advised county that it was an attached garage and had extended into the home already. The box was then upgraded to a 2nd alarm. Crews made quick work of the fire via wagon pipe and 2 hand lines. All occupants were out of the home and were uninjured. The officers and members of North Middleton Fire Co. send our thoughts and prayers to the family. We don’t like seeing this especially during the holiday […]

Farm Tractor Fire with Trailer, 8 Sept 2017, Well Lane, Middlesex TWP

On 8 Sep, E139 and E239 was dispatch along with E138 from Carlisle Barracks to respond to a working Farm Tractor fire in the field, with an attached trailer. Companies 39 and 38 arrived on the scene with several Firefighters that deployed two hand lines, quickly extinguishing the Farm Tractor that was fully engulfed. They were able to save the harvested load on the attached trailer.