
North Middleton Twp Fire Company is always looking for help. There are many roles within the NMFC to suit you. They include: an active firefighter or junior firefighter, fire police, or supporting members. The NMFC appreciates any and all help we can get.
You can directly download and fill out the membership application below.
You will need Adobe Reader to pull up these files.
16-18 Years Old Membership Application
18 Years or Older Membership Application
If you have questions, please contact our fire chief at [email protected] or our contact page.
After submitting your application by giving it to a member of NMFC or dropping it off in the drop box in the lobby at 2061 Spring Rd (Station 2). The “Drop Box” located on the left side in the front door. Remember to attach $10.00 by paperclip to the application. The application will be presented to the Fire Company for review and approval and then a member of the Membership Committee will contact you to schedule an interview.
Thank you!